:: PurpleMoon Creation ::
- New releases -
Check the Items please on the main store or on this places.
- Penelope for On9, Hunter for the Crossroads, Agnes for Designer Showcase and Maven for Swank. -
:: PM :: Daintree Headpiece [HUD]
- The chapter four -
:: PM :: Agnes Dress -black-
(Designer Showcase)
:: PM :: Hunter Bracelets
The Crossroads - PurpleMoon Creations
:: PM :: Penelope Jeans + Boots -pastels/Brights- Or only the Penelope Boots.[HUD]
On9 - on9sl.wordpress.com
:: PM :: Maven Dress + Jacket - [HUD]
[ SWANK EVENTS ] From Nov 1st.
PurpleMoon Creation - MAIN STORE LANDMARK:
THANK YOU my dear friend Poulet/The PurlpeMoon Creation for another fantastic creation/fashion.
And you all for your love and supporting!
Bless you all.
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